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synchro gearbox in a country?

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Anmeldedatum: 18.07.2006
Beiträge: 9

BeitragVerfasst am: 07.08.2006 07:36    Titel: synchro gearbox in a country? Antworten mit Zitat

hello friends,
i am really finding it hard to find a 020 gearbox for my country but i have a new idea, would a gearbox from a golf synchro (02A or 02C, i'm not sure) fit the country?
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Anmeldedatum: 10.08.2006
Beiträge: 28

BeitragVerfasst am: 10.08.2006 21:51    Titel: Re: synchro gearbox in a country? Antworten mit Zitat

[quote="BERNAED"]hello friends,
i am really finding it hard to find a 020 gearbox for my country but i have a new idea, would a gearbox from a golf synchro (02A or 02C, i'm not sure) fit the country?

Yes, it's a definite upgrade; more durable, though the gearing is a bit higher. An 02C from a Rallye, Passat G60 syncro, etc. should bolt in. You will need the cable change from the 02C car, as well as the hydraulic clutch or a cable clutch kit that will work with 02A gearboxes. Other differences might include the speedometer drive, axle flange size on your CV joints, electrical connections at the shift mechanism on the gearbox, etc...

Don't get an 02C from a VR6 car though, the gearing in the transfer box/angle drive is wrong for the 4 cylinder cars... Where are you located?

Edit: I see you're in S. Africa...

I use a rebuilder of viscous couplings and syncro gearboxes/differentials here in the States if you're interested:

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